ComplexitiesSolutionsAboutShaila Hotline
SHAILA HOTLINE(732) 905-3005

The Halachic Resource for Real Estate Investors and Professionals

REHalacha delivers creative content and educational awareness in the areas of Halacha related to Real Estate ownership and Management.

Due Diligence and compliance don’t end with your property acquisition.

REHalacha brings the clarity and practical Halachic solutions to investors in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world.
Are my property
management practices
Are my property management practices
up to Halachic
Shabbos Management Amira L’akum

Security, superintendents and call centers are on the clock 24/7. Having a gentile perform work on shabbos or Yom Tov can be a violation of Amira L’akum if not done correctly.

Lending with Interest Ribbis

Real estate mortgages are prone to Ribbis issues. Getting financing from a group that has Jewish partners or buying a note against a Jewish-owned property can be problematic.

Encroachment in Business Ani Hamehapech

Forwarding a bid after the seller has already accepted an offer, or selling your service to a business already using a competing vendor may cross the line of what is Halachically allowed.

REHalacha Can help
find solutions

The road to Halachic compliance can take many routes. REHalacha offers numerous options to learn and, ultimately, implemement the Halachos relevant to the acquisition and management of your properties.

These beautiful Seforim will find a place of honor on your desk or bookshelf. With Halachic topics relevant to the everyday running of your business, they are designed and formatted for easy understanding.
Request your copy
Shaila Hotline
No two situations are alike, so you could have questions that weren’t addressed before. This is where you get the answers. The hotline is manned by highly experienced members of the Bais Din who have specific expertise in these areas of Halacha.
Call now
Summary Guides
Get a quick, yet thorough,
overview of the concepts relevant
to many of the Halachic
topics involved in the Real Estate industry.
View the Guides
In-Depth Shiurim
For those ready to delve deeply into the Sugyas, these recordings of Shiurim from the Dayanim will give the full background and understanding that leads to the Halacha L’maseh.
View Shiurim
review and certification
The final step to complete Halachic compliance is going through your business practices and documents together with a Dayan from Bais Din Maysharim. Upon completion of the REReview, you’ll receive certification from the Bais Din testifying to the adherence to Halacha in your business, which is a badge of honor for any Jewish real estate company.
Access and download templates to any Shtar that you may need during the acquisition and management of your property.
Download Shtaros
These beautiful Seforim will find a place of honor on your desk or bookshelf. With Halachic topics relevant to the everyday running of your business, they are designed and formatted for easy understanding.
Request your copy
These beautiful Seforim will find a place of honor on your desk or bookshelf. With Halachic topics relevant to the everyday running of your business, they are designed and formatted for easy understanding.
Request your copy
Shaila Hotline
No two situations are alike, so you could have questions that weren’t addressed before. This is where you get the answers. The hotline is manned by highly experienced members of the Bais Din who have specific expertise in these areas of Halacha.
Call now
Summary Guides
Get a quick, yet thorough,
overview of the concepts relevant
to many of the Halachic
topics involved in the Real Estate industry.
View the Guides
In-Depth Shiurim
For those ready to delve deeply into the Sugyas, these recordings of Shiurim from the Dayanim will give the full background and understanding that leads to the Halacha L’maseh.
View Shiurim
review and certification
The final step to complete Halachic compliance is going through your business practices and documents together with a Dayan from Bais Din Maysharim. Upon completion of the REReview, you’ll receive certification from the Bais Din testifying to the adherence to Halacha in your business, which is a badge of honor for any Jewish real estate company.
Access and download templates to any Shtar that you may need during the acquisition and management of your property.
Download Shtaros

In today’s modern society, Halachic observance and business practices find themselves at odds on an ongoing basis. Many on both sides of this spectrum have stepped in to provide those in business with the Halachic and practical knowledge to overcome the divide.

What is REHalacha?
What is REHalacha?

REHalacha, a Madison Torah Project in conjunction with Bais Din Maysharim, is a platform that delivers creative content and educational awareness in the areas of Halacha related to Real Estate ownership and management.

Much time and effort are involved in the acquisition and ownership of Real Estate to ensure that each deal is a worthwhile investment. Even more so is the need for due diligence into the complete Halachic compliance of the transaction and the ensuing management of the property.

Many varied areas of Choshen Mishpat and general Halacha are involved in the ownership and management of Real Estate. While many investors already have, and should have, their own Rav and Posek who can answer many of the questions that arise within the day-to-day running of their business, there are often complex issues that require specific and nuanced experience in those areas of Halacha.

What is Bais Din Maysharim?

Bais Din Maysharim was founded in 1999 and has more than a dozen Dayanim on staff. The unique policies instituted by Maysharim, along with its professionalism and integrity, has earned it a reputation as being one of the most prominent Batei Din in America.

In 2005, Bais Din Maysharim opened its Geirus division and is one of the few Batei Din in the United States that is recognized by the Rabbanut in Eretz Yisroel.

Maysharim not only serves as a vehicle for dispute resolution but is committed to the education of Business Halacha. Its Dayanim have authored various works in both English and Hebrew on business ethics, have been featured in numerous seminars on the subject, and continue to bring innovative educational programs to the general public.

What is Madison Torah Projects?

Utilizing the resources of Madison Commercial Real Estate Services, Madison Torah Projects is a platform that creates and facilitates programs to access the knowledge and means to complete Halachic observance.

With initiative ideas coming from internal and external sources, Madison Torah Projects partners with experts in each field of Halacha to craft the appropriate vehicle to deliver the relevant Halachos to their targeted audience.

Particular attention is given to the areas of Halacha, and other general Torah subjects, that are not given the proper focus that they warrant. Often, this is due to the complexity of the topic and a lack of knowledge in how to apply the Halachos in today's ever-changing, technologically advanced world. A specific division is geared towards programs that increase general Torah learning and knowledge for those in the workplace.

Madison Torah Projects
1125 Ocean Ave. Lakewood NJ 08701
© 2023 REHalacha